The series is about some carpets merchants in this Bazar who suffer from a financial problem and they are about to be declared bankrupted.

But hopefully, the visit of a very important customer to the Bazar rescued them from this financial crisis, because they promised him to make a special carpet and that is exactly what he was looking for.

During this time, the merchants found a lost young girl and decide to take care of her and teach her how to make carpets so that she helps them in making the special order.

they start looking for someone to teach the young girl till they meet ( Diar)  a young lady who suffers from some problems with her father ( a Boucher who also has a financial problem ) and wants to find a rich man to let him marry his daughter so the daughter (Diar) decide to run away to Istanbul and live there and teach the young girl the carpet fabrication.

In Istanbul, she meets (Jamal) and she falls in love with him without expressing her feelings. When the father knows about his daughter he decides to kill her so Jamal decides to marry her in order to rescue her from her father.

After the marriage , Jamal discovers that he had a lost sister so he starts looking for her and he travels on this mission during his trip he dies, Diar suffers after her husband’s death. One day she finds her husband’s diary and she reads it she discovers that he loved her a long time ago and he married her not only to rescue her from her father but because he loved her.

Life goes, one day she meets with an actor who is a brother to one of the carpet merchants that she used to work with. They both fall in love with each other…. But shall she forget her late husband Jamal and get married to the actor? This is what we are going to find out through (Bazar).

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